Zetagi Voltage Reducer (ZVR)

Zetagi Voltage Reducer 24V -> 12V.

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2A - R2 (linear mode)

5A - R5 (linear mode)

10A - R10 (linear mode)

20A - R20 (linear mode)

35A - R35 (linear mode)

30A - R30SM (switching mode)

Zetagi Voltage Reducer 24V -> 12V. You cannot do without a voltage reducer when a truck, a boat or a camper has a 24V electrical system and you need to feed radios, CD players, telephones, light bulbs and any other service at 12V.

The characteristics of our VOLTAGE REDUCERS meet everyone's needs because they are made either with passive reduction system(linear) and with high-performance system (switching mode) for currents from 0 to 35 Amps.

They are resistant and always available thanking to a continuous production cycle. Particularly suitable for power supply and radio monitor as they are totally free from any kind of electromagnetic interference.
(linear mode)
(linear mode)
(linear mode)
(linear mode)
(linear mode)
Input (V DC)13 - 3018 - 3018 - 3018 - 3018 - 30
Output (V DC)3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9, 1213.513.813.813.8 internal adjustment
Max Load (A)25102035
Load Continual Service (A)12.55 - 9 (*)10 - 18 (*)20 - 32 (**)
Dimensions (LxWxH mm)70 x 100 x 20130 x 100 x 35120 x 100 x 63120 x 200 x 63200 x 400 x 90
Full protection against short circuit, over-load, over temperature.
MODELR30SM (switching mode)
Input (V DC)18 - 30
Output (V DC)13.8 internal adjustment
Max Load (A)30
Load Continual Service (A)25
Dimensions (LxWxH mm)250 x 160 x 70
Conversion circuit "switching" with efficiency up to 90%.
Full protection against short circuit, over-load, over temperature.
Small and light weight

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