Kobelt 6509S-TB Integrated Electronic Control Head

Integrated Electronic Control Head.

Κωδικός: 6509S-TB

Kobelt 6509 – Smart – Twin engine – Black

The compact design of this control head allows it to be fitted into small spaces. The upper

portion is of a water tight construction and can, therefore, be installed anywhere on board ship.It is made entirely in bronze and stainless steel and is well adapted to the harsh marineenvironment.  

The 6509 control head is also available in a single engine configuration. Non-illuminated side

decals can be attached to the control head for fixed propulsion applications.The membrane key pad has four standard switches and provides: 

  • Station Select 
  • Station Lock
  • Overriding Throttle 
  • Engine Synchronization

Trolling valve options are also available in place of either one of the above four switches. 

Themembrane has back lit lenses that indicate which function is working.

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