KOBELT 7168 Rudder angle feedback unit

Rudder angle feedback unit.

Κωδικός: 7168-PP


Sturdy feedback unit KOBELT 7168, e.g. for the electronic rudder indicators KOBELT 7175 or 7180. This feedback unit is used to transmit rudder angle positions to a rudder angle indicator,an autopilot or to electronic steering components.

Its compact design and watertight construction will allow it to be installed in tight quarters. With its all bronze and stainless steel construction it is well suitable for operation in rough environment.

Comes as:
  • 7168-P: 1 potentiometer to transmit data to one device (e.g. rudder indicator)
  • 7168-PP: 2 potis to transmit data to two devices (e.g. rudder indicator and autopilot)
  • Standard potentiometer is: 1 kOhm
  • Operating voltage: 12V / 24V DC
  • Weight: 1kg

Comes with connection rod 250 mm with ball joint terminals.

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