The SE210/250TC thruster is specially built to give a maximum thrust in a minimum diameter. It is the perfect choice for sailboats or as an upgrade thruster model for boats were the SE170/250TC is standard so that you can use the boat’s “standard” tunnel size. The SE210/250TC will also be the most powerful choice for older boats with a 250 mm tunnel and a thruster which is to small from the time when these powerful DC thrusters were not available. The SE210/250TC includes all the important and unique Side-Power features and qualities – why settle for less
Thrust at 10,5/21V* (kg) 210
Thrust at 12/24V* (kg) 250
Typical boat size (ft • m) 55’ – 78’ • 17 – 24
Tunnel inner diameter (mm) 250
Propulsion Twin Counter rotating
Power at 21V* (kW • Hp) 10 • 13,15
For DC system (V) 24
Weight (kg) 68
Min. battery capacity (CCA**12/24V) 700
Control system Analog
* All Side-Power thrusters gets their thrust rating from the actual performance you can expect in a boat – at the voltage a normal installation will provide at the thruster. We have choosen to use the net performance at 10.5V/21V, but we also list the effect at 12/24V for comparison.
** All battery CCA ratings are stated with the DIN rating, multiply by 1.9 to to get the SAE equivalent (at 0°F, ABYC standard)