6525 System microprocessor unit, installed in durable bronze case.
The 6525 Microprocessor acts as the central processor for the 6525 electronic control system. The processor accepts up to 8 control stations with only two communicating wires and can control two main propulsion engines and their respective reverse gears or CP propellers.
The 6525 processor also inputs the control of trolling valves, and provides all interlocking for regular propulsion systems, including propeller shaft brakes and throttle boosts.
The 6525 processor is programmed using a laptop, and is very flexible, capable of incorporating many different control heads, switches, panels, actuators and functionality.
Available models:
- 6525-A (C.P.U. Complete 24 V : Adv. Software)
- 6525-B (C.P.U. Complete – 24 V : 4-20ma)
- 6525-C (C.P.U. Complete 24 V : CAT Interface)
- 6525-D (CPU Complete 24 V : Cummins Qsm (0-5V))