Kobelt 7173-KAS Electronic Full Follow-Up Amplifier

This unit is designed to accept the command signal from…

SKU: 7173-KAS

This unit is designed to accept the command signal from our models 6657, 7165, 7166, 7167, 7169, 7171, 7172, 7176, 7196 7197 and 7198 and coordinates the desired rudder position with our feedback unit Models 7168 or 7174. Fluid flow control Models 7144, 7145 and 7148 are equipped with solenoid valves and, when activated by the Model 7173-KAS, will disperse hydraulic fluid to the hydraulic steering system to maintain the desired position.

The device can be located anywhere aboard ship, even in the steering compartment, since its watertight and non-corrosive enclosure will protect the internal electronics from the effect of the environment. The Model 7173-KAS is a multi-optional driver board on 12- or 24-Volt DC. In the event of feedback potentiometer failure or wire break, the board will act in fail-in mode. An LED light will be ON and the alarm output is active for monitoring control or feedback potentiometer failure or wire break. Also the 7173-KAS provides a pump on demand pilot signal (12 or 24 VDC) that can control a relay/contactor to energize the pump whenever any directional solenoid is activated; therefore, the pump is not continuously running. Several options can be provided for

  • Single speed steering system
  • Dual speed steering system
  • Single speed catamaran steering system (electronic tie bar)
  • Two independent single speed steering system (steering/bucket).

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